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Forever Arising From and With Country Poster

IAD Press

Forever Arising From and With Country Poster


Land, kinship and people hold country together. Kinship connects everything together, kinship is the roots and veins of land and life. Language is the custodian and soul of the land. Language identifies who you are, what we do. Elders hold sacredness of the land. This is true for every Aboriginal community.

‘What you see on the poster is itelarentye itnekenhe (how the old people see the land in their minds and hearts and how they hold title to the land). Anwerne pmere akngarnekarle-werne alpeme — (we come from the land and we go back to the land). If the land is changed or if the topsoil is destroyed the goodness is still inside, still spiritual and sacred, and a part of us. Pmere anwernenhe arntirrkweme — (the country connects us to everything that’s where we belong). That’s why we want to go back to our own country.’

This poster underpins the structure and content of MK Turner’s book Iwenhe Tyerrtye  – What it is to be an Aboriginal. Also sold by IAD Press.